19 November 2007

caveat emptor, really

A bargain hunter’s paradise. The best investment in the globalised universe. The perfect parking place for those SSIA monies.

Or so we’re being told. At least by the glossy adverts for Manhattan penthouses and Florida condos. The endless round of overseas exhibitions flogging far-flung enclaves for the rich and not so famous.

But the truth is there really are incredible deals to be had, and they get more and more incredible every day as the dollar sinks ever lower to our fair euro. Unfortunately, for every honourable estate agent [no, not quite always an oxymoron] there are an abundance of fly by night scam artists, and for every profitable venture there is a property supplement or ten worth of shoddy, overpriced “villas.”

I am neither estate agent nor shill, but rather someone who knows the US market intimately. My hope is that I can help provide prospective buyers with important links, sound advice, reputable resources and even, occasionally, something exciting that won’t be found in those corporate supplements or exhibitions.

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